Faith & Hope

Sit and Pray Before You Go and Do

I have the joy of serving and working in the Kids Ministry at my church. And even during busy seasons like it is right now, I love what I get to do and I come to work excited everyday. Our Kids Ministry Director always makes sure that we know how important it is to stay tethered to the Lord especially in the midst of long to-do lists and multiple projects going on. Recently at our team meeting, she made the point again to remind us that the time that we spend sitting before the Lord is more important that the time we spend working and doing things for Him.

I couldn’t agree more as I have found myself not spending enough time sitting and asking God what His vision is as I work through my to-do list. I like to take the time daily before I work to pray for creativity and that the Lord would work through me. But it is a temptation once I get going on my to-do list to go and do and plan and prepare and not pause every now and then to sit and pray.

It’s so important that our work for the Lord does not come before our time with the Lord!

Whether you work in a ministry setting, in a hospital, office building, a grocery store, or any other work place, let me encourage you this week to sit and pray before you go and do. Ask God for His will in your labor. Submit your work day to Him. Don’t take this as permission to not get your work done because there is value in working hard at whatever you do (Colossians 3:23). Instead, use this as reminder to continually turn to God before and during your work and then after you work, come with thanksgiving to God. It can be tempting to be like Martha instead of Mary (Luke 10:38-42) especially when your work is piling up. As hard as it is sometimes, be like Mary. Sit before God. Then go, energized and full of the Holy Spirit, ready to pour out for Him.

Pressing on in faith, Jennifer

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  1. […] Sit and Pray Before You Go and Do February 21, 2018 […]

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