Faith & Hope

Reflections on 2017

I don’t even know where to begin. The year 2017 was honestly the most beautiful year of my life and also the absolute hardest year of my life all at the same time. We adopted our son, Bernard Seth, on February, 15th, 2017. We welcomed our baby girl Hannah Grace into our arms on April 10th. We said “goodbye for now” to her on April 11th and buried her on April 19th. We fostered a total of 5 children (not all at the same time!) ranging in age from 16 months to 6 years old. We also had to let go of all 5 of them as they went to go live with their biological family. We have multiple friends who welcomed babies into the world but two friends who miscarried. We had several friends and family members who lost so much because of Hurricane Harvey and who are still rebuilding their homes as I write this. We witnessed two of our closest friends and also my cousin get married. My husband Mace started Seminary in the fall, and he also went on a 10 day mission trip to London. To say that this year was a crazy mix of the highest of highs and lowest of lows is an understatement. I stand here today in amazement that so much has happened in only 12 months. But I know I’m only still standing because the Lord is holding me up. After living a year like 2017, while we will never be the same, our hope, faith, and trust in the Lord is unwavering. That’s the Lord’s grace right there, y’all. I can’t manufacture that kind of deep trust by myself especially after all we went through in 2017. That is the Lord’s grace working in my heart. I stand here humbled, amazed, and sometimes in downright disbelief at all He’s walked us through. To see His faithfulness in my life time and time again spurs me on and encourages me to keep pressing on no matter what the future may hold. His Presence, Grace, and Love give me what I need to keep going. Seeing just glimpses of how He is working and moving gives me a joy that is unexplainable. So press on, dear one. Trust in the Lord. Dig deep into His Grace. Soak in His Presence. And let His Love for you wash over you. This life isn’t easy, but we can have unwavering faith that we’re not journeying alone. No, we have a constant companion and a loving friend who has gone before us and is with us each step of the way. So no matter what you are experiencing right now, a season of joy or a season of heartbreak, let that truth encourage you and lead you in unwavering faith.

Pressing on in faith, Jennifer

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